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PRESS ABOUT THE SINGLE¨Stuck in the Truck feat. Derek Sherinian¨

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Soon as the listener hits that play button, don't expect this song to focus on some virtuoso progressive rock/metal style, but a welcoming to more of a ballad and hard rock song that utilizes warm, steady-mid-tempo rhythmic melodies (chords) riffing and catchy drums, atmospheric keys – while Steve focuses more on the recurring rolling groove and melody of singing to achieve the effect of a crashing vehicle, while the topic of the lyrics is more of the focus point of the single – giving the listener a road trip song about movement, feelings on the road, emotions from a life change, feelings from situations travelling around the world and briefly discuss the philosophizing of the driver who is rushing home – one thing for sure – the band has captured the lyrical concept within the music – that is meaningful/emotional – yet warmhearted ... Review written By Kris Marsden / Metal 1on1 - UK -  read full review in english here
STEVE MISIK & CO. han estrenado un nuevo single titulado “Stuck In The Truck” en el que colabora el teclista Derek Sherinian (SONS OF APOLLO, BLACK COUNTRY COMMUNION, PLANET X, ex- DREAM THEATER, Billy Idol, Alice Cooper, Yngwie J. Malmsteen). El tema pertenece a un próximo EP con el mismo título. La canción se grabó en 4 países, la batería se grabó en Eslovaquia, el bajo en Suiza, la voz y guitarras en Lanzarote y Fuerteventura, y Sherianian grabó sus teclados en EE UU. La mezcla y el masterizado corrieron a cargo de un productor eslovaco que vive en Frutigen, Suiza. ... Rafabasa - Spain - read article in spanish here
Stuck in the Truck is about movement, the feelings you make while traveling the world, the emotions that come from life changes. The song is dedicated by the band to all truck drivers who work even in these difficult times to get people what they need, often risking their lives. Steve wrote the song in memory of his uncle, who died in a car accident outside the Arctic Circle in Sweden. The song also features the thoughts of the driver traveling home... Zenész Magazin - HungaryYou can read the whole article in Hungarian here
Internet prináša kreatívnym umelcom nekonečné možnosti spolupráce s muzikantmi z celého sveta. Na tom nič nezmení ani pandémia, čoho najnovším dôkazom je nový singel kapely Steve Misik & Co. Na skladbe s názvom Stuck in the Truck sa podieľal svetoznámy klávesák, skladateľ a producent Derek Sherinian. ... - SlovakiaYou can read the whole article in Slovak here
In collaboration with Derek Sherinian, everyone might expect the song to focus on some virtuoso progressive rock / metal style, but that's not the case. The band focused more on the recurring rolling groove and melody of the singing, thus wanting to achieve the effect of a crashing vehicle. ... - Czech Republic - you can read the whole article in Czech language here
At a time when recordings for the new EP were being completed. Derek Sherinian wrote to the band's leader via Twitter and suggested a collaboration that made the band members very happy. It is a great honor for an independent artist to record a song with an artist of such caliber as Derek Sherinian. He suggested that if he liked any of the new songs, he would record keyboard parts for it. Steve sent immediately the new song, which was just being finished in the studio. And so a version of the song Stuck in the Truck was created with a special guest (with Derek Sherinian). The song will be released as part of a 3-song EP, which will contain 3 versions of the song: 1 / Stuck in the Truck (radio edit), 2 / Stuck in the Truck with special guest (feat. Derek Sherinian), 3 / Stuck in the Truck.  ... MetalExpress - Slovakiayou can read the whole article in Slovak language here
Interestingly, the song was recorded online in four countries because each member of the band was quarantined due to a coronavirus in another state and Derek Sherinian was also on the other side of the world. The drummer recorded his parts in Slovakia, the bass player in Switzerland, the singer and guitarist in the Canary Islands Lanzarote and Fuerteventura and Derek, of course, at home in the United States. Mixing and mastering was done by a Slovak producer living in Frutigen, Switzerland.... ProRocker - Slovakiayou can read the whole article in Slovak language here
Anyone can listen to the song for free on all available music platforms (Spotify, Apple Music, etc.). The song can also be downloaded for free, in full quality, after subscribing to the band's mailing list, on the band's official website. In the newsletter of Steve Misik & Co., everyone  gets the latest news about the band, concert dates, and you can download the latest songs as well as the band’s very first album for free. ... Rockbook - Hungaryyou can read the whole article in Hungarian language here
Steve Misik & Co. joined forces with Derek Sherinian (Sons Of Apollo, Black Country Communion, Planet X, Ex Dream Theater, Ex Kiss, Ex Billy Idol, Ex Alice Cooper, Ex Yngwie Y. Malmsteen…) and released a new single ”STUCK IN THE TRUCK ”. It demanded a few answers.
How was this song STUCK IN THE TRUCK (feat. Derek Sherinian) born, which was released on April 23, 2021? What is the song about? I was expecting a prog.rock / metal song, but the song sounds more rock. Why is that so? How did you record the song? ... Hlukoskop - Slovakia - You can read all the answers to the editor's questions here



I was recently approached by an interesting project called - Steve Misik & Co .. Musically, they combine various genres through progressive rock, post-rock, stoner, blues to metal. They can still surprise and it never sounds monotonous. I immediately asked the main creator to introduce us to his child.

Read the whole article here, of course if you can read Slovak language

Nedávno ma oslovil zaujímavý projekt s názvom – Steve Misik & Co.. Hudobne spájajú rôzne žánre cez progressive rock, post-rock, stoner, blues až po metal. Stále dokážu prekvapiť a nikdy to neznie jednotvárne. Rovno som oslovil hlavného tvorcu, nech nám svoje dieťa predstaví.

prečítajte si celý článok tu:

Lukáš "Bukáčo" Polák - editor-in-chief of Hlukoskop  you can read the whole interview in Slovak language here

Another magazines that wrote about our latest songs
¨Stuck in the Truck feat. Derek Sherinian¨ & ¨Such is life¨


„ A slovak singing guitar player ( and a skillful composer ) Steve Misik is a quite interesting dude“! With his band, he is hunting in a rich well of rock history and with a remarkable ease he composes pieces well known, yet together sounding fresh and unique into the playfull coctail.There is obvious piece of retro in it, or an admiration to classics, at the same time there is an unquestionable dose of recency and a playful retrieval. The protagonist himself talks of a crossover, but to be honest- it is the type of changing music that can not be easily unified into one specific thing. You either like it, or you mark it without an interest as a non-grabable mass. Which would be a big mistake though.¨   Prečítajte si celú recenziu tu / Read the whole review here
- Michal Husák / Rock & All - Czech Republic
„ Steve Misik&Co. have dig a nail into the hard rock wall, which can´t be easily bent by many traditional rockers, or they won´t even try. The band itself with is not balancing above the gap of shy sterility and with its confident flexibility they stay out of sharp points of awkwardness, that the experimenting with rock or non-rock genres brings up. This freethinking have nicely bend my knees after the first hearing and it reminded me a bizzare type of hang over.“
Prečítajte si celú recenziu tu / Read the whole review here

- Pepa Juza / Hard Music Base - Czech Republic -
Rock & All
Hard Music Base
"The Steve Misik & Co. first album is a masterclass in progressive art rock, with blues feelings and funky grooves. If you're looking for original band, some original music, this is it, Steve Misik & Co. will vintage you! Be sure not to miss their live show - there's a whole different sound to it"
- Marek Habdák / Rock Hard - Slovakia -
A rockzene legjobb hagyományait megőrizve haladják meg azt. Minden daluk más, és nem csupán azért, mert szlovákul vagy magyarul énekelnek éppenséggel. Hanem, mert másként összetett! A legfőbb erényük az innováció. Fantáziátlan pillanatuk elő sem fordulhat! Odafigyelésre késztet és elgondolkoztat. Több, mint érdekes színfolt az igényes rockzene táborában. Olvassa el a teljes cikket itt / Read the full review here - Olasz Sándor / Rockbook Rockmagazin - Hungary -
Rock Hard
¨Does music which is a form of art have any common ground with science? Yep, that’s an easy one for me. They have and it is called experimentation. If we didn’t have that, then we wouldn’t have any of the musical genres we love (including heavy metal). STEVE MISIK & CO. and their debut album is a result of such an experimentation¨
Read the full review here

- Nick Parastatidis / Behind the Veil - Greece -
Behind the Veil
¨If you like  progressive rock or metal with funky touch, or ethno-folk elements, sometimes with slight blues feeling, post rock, art rock with a bit of alternative rock, you will definatelly like a debut album Schizoemphatic from Steve Misik& Co. ( you can find a crossover of all the genres mentioned above on this album .) Schizoemphatic is an album, that did not lose its rock-metal feeling through its own variability¨ Prečítajte si celý článok tu 
- Lukáš "Bukáčo" Polák / Hlukoskop - Slovakia -
¨The album is a coctail of a progressive rock or metal with funky touch, post rock, art rock with a bit of alternative rock, with etno-folk elements, sometimes with slightly blues feeling. It is a mutual creation of a numer of great musicians. The final sound was complemented by foreign hosting musicians. In a song Shadows, which is a crossover of exotic flamenco, metal and easters folk, cajon and palmas was played by a spanish native from Cordoba, Francisco Jimenes. In an acustic song  May, a saxophonist Felicity form Fuerteventura island have showed up. Danny Griffin in a song  For you aranged by ethnic instruments, would sing a mantra that filles up the atmosphere by a technique  of tibetian budhist monks¨   Prečítajte si celý článok tu
- Ľubomíra Karmanová - / Nas Novohrad / Sme - Slovakia -

Ak je pre vás Walk This Way od Run D. M. C. a Aerosmith tým najdivokejším žánrovým presahom, aký si viete predstaviť, ani sa neunúvajte čítať ďalej. Na Schizoemphatic, debute zoskupenia STEVE MISIK & Co., sa toho totíž deje omnoho, omnoho viac a bez otvorenej mysle sa veru ďaleko nedostanete.

- Peter Hajdu / - Slovakia -

Egyre több feltörekvő zenekar juttatja el szerkesztőségünkbe bemutatkozó hírlevelét. Ezt tette a Szlovákia területén található, főleg magyarok lakta Fülek városából származó Steve Misik & Co. zenekar is, akik Schizoemphatic címmel jelentették meg nagylemezüket.  

A teljes cikk itt olvasható

- Rockpanorama / Rockvilág - Hungary -

Metal Mania Magazin.jpg

Od začiatku vám bude jasné, že páni sa hudbou predovšetkým bavia. Nenájdete tu nijaký výrazne prevažujúci štýl, len 10 viac ako zaujímavých skladieb, kde chvíľami počujete jazz, blues, metal, alternativ rock, flamenco a funky alebo folklórne prvky. Dokonale zohratá partia ľudí a výborná muzika, ktorá si ide svojou cestou a jednoducho vás vezme so sebou a budete si to skvele užívať celý čas. Naozaj je to album, ktorý ma potešil a priznávam, že ho zaraďujem k srdcovkám, čo si púšťate, keď ste smutní, keď ste veselí, jednoducho kedykoľvek. 

- Lidka Horvatová / Metal Mania Magazín - Slovakia -  Prečítajte si celý článok tu


The story of a long journey to the first album and musical journey of Steve Misik, in an interview with MY Novohrad magazine.
Read here, but only in the Slovak language. :)

Príbeh dlhej cesty k prvému albumu a hudobná cesta Steva Misika, v rozhovore pre časopis MY Novohrad. Cítať tu.

- Klaudia Kovácsová - My Novohrad-SME - Slovakia -

Filter Label
I have to admit that I have never heard such a unique combination of flamenco, eastern european folk and heavy metal music...about the song Shadows
- Emil Hadji Panzov/Filter Label -

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